
Aryabhatta Centre for Nanoscience& Nanotechnology (ACNN)
Center for Post Graduate Studies & Doctoral Research,
Aryabhatta  knowledge University, Patna

Brief details of Qualification and Experience of  Dr. Rakesh Kr Singh

  1. Guided/ Completed/ In final Progress of 14 Ph.D. and 30 M.Tech students in multidisciplinary area of frontiers research of 21st century and Published/reported more than 125 research papers in international/national Journals/proceedings. 

Dr. Rakesh Kr Singh was born at Kasamra Village of Purnea district of Bihar on 1st March 1978. He did Ph.D in year 2008 in Nano science field in the faculty of Physics and Guided/completed/ final progress of 14 Ph.D. students in multidisciplinary of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. He has published/Reported about more than 125 research publications (Research profilehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rakesh_Singh44) in SCI/Scopus/Wos/ Peer reviewed journal. The multidisciplinary research activities carried out by Dr. Rakesh are- Ceramics Magnetic nanoparticles, Ayurvedic nanomedicine, Food nanomaterials and Silica nanoparticles from rice husk, Physics education and some others related work. 30 M.Tech students completed their project thesis/ awarded degree and 10 M.Tech students are working under his supervision in the field of Food- nanotechnology, Nano-Electronics, Nanotechnology in Environment & Agriculture (Scientific/Human resource development activities details – www.drrakeshsingh.com).

  • Research of Dr. Rakesh was appreciated/Cited  by more than 25 countries and invited to deliver a lecture by these countries.

   Dr. Rakesh research work are being cited by academicians/scientist of more than 25 countries, like Germany, Romania, China, Brazil, Thailand, UK, USA, Japan, Egypt and others. He has also invited by these countries to deliver a talk as resource person. He has also worked on TEQIP-MHRD, Govt. of India project as principal investigator on ceramics magnetic nanomaterial’s and their multifunctional applications.

Hon’ble CM Sri Nitish Kr Ji, Dy. CM Sri Sushil Kr Modi Ji, Education minister visited nanotechnology center of Aryabhatta Knowledge university and appreciated the research activities carried out under the leadership of Dr. Rakesh Kr Singh, head of the nanoscience center. 

Chancellor award for best Young teacher with research contributions in modern field of science Nano science

Asst. Professor of Physics, Patna Women’s College, Patna University (Aug.2004-2013)

Senior Resource Person/Anveshika Coordinator, National Anveshika Network of India, IIT Kanpur Initiative Project (Coordinated by Prof. H.C.Verma, IIT Kanpur)

Google Scholar Profile– https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gOZNJ-oAAAAJ&hl=en

Research Gate Profilehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rakesh_Singh44

National Research Network (Vidwan) : https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/339272